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What should I do when I dont want to learn?

2022-07-26 16:46:15

Compared with other activities (such as games, TV, play, etc.), learning is a boring and boring thing, and it is easy to lose the motivation for learning. So what should I do when I don't want to learn? The following is the solution of learning power training camp!

Recognize the importance of learning, list the benefits that learning may bring to you, and what are the harms of not learning. Then set a suitable goal for yourself and make continuous adjustment and improvement. Adopt various methods such as incentives and rewards to implement and complete the plan and develop learning habits.

Master efficient learning methods and obtain achievement and satisfaction in learning. In the process of learning, if the method is not appropriate and the learning is seriously frustrated, the students will become more and more uninterested and even have unpleasant emotions. Learn to master the ability of speed reading memory, and through training, realize the improvement of reading speed, overall perception, understanding memory and concentration. At the same time, the learning time has been greatly shortened. The learning tasks that usually need several hours can be completed in tens of minutes or even more. The efficiency has been improved many times. The sense of achievement and pride have spontaneously arisen, and the interest in learning will naturally be greatly improved. Practice with software for more than one hour a day and one month can increase your reading speed by 5 or 6 times, and your attention, memory and understanding will be improved accordingly, and finally improve your reading and learning efficiency and interest.

Be the master of learning and experience the happiness of learning. In the process of learning, we should communicate and discuss with teachers and students to cultivate self-learning interest. Knowledge should complement each other, ideas should resonate, and learning and discussion are also very important. It can not only activate the learning atmosphere and focus attention, but also enable students to exchange information and adjust their thinking.

When you don't want to learn, don't force yourself to learn, because it will backfire. Just like the old saying, it's not sweet to twist the melon, because learning is not compulsory, and no matter how hard you try when you don't want to learn, you will only feel more and more uncomfortable.

When you don't want to study, take a rest, do other things, and shift your attention. Only in this way can you relax your mood and reduce your stress.

When you don't want to study, go out and play, because there is more than learning in life. Proper play will not affect learning, and you can make better use of your brain after a good rest.

If the mood is relaxed and the nervous factors are eliminated, then you will feel that you don't have so much low touch when you come back to study. We often encounter such things on the road of life. As long as we change our way of thinking, we will certainly let ourselves out.


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