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海东Awakening inner genius parent-child class

海东Awakening inner genius parent-child class

  • Category:海东Parent-child Curriculum
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  • Release time:2022-07-20 16:59:01
  • Product description

Plant great dreams and strong inner mind

Shaping the character of leaders and awakening the power of talents

Index of key issues

● how to stimulate children's internal motivation and let children automatically fall in love with learning?

● how to let the backward children constantly break through themselves and let the later ones take the lead?

● how to make children appreciate and be full of responsibility?

● how to let children set up dreams and develop their talents?

● how to stimulate children's potential and have a wonderful future?


"Awakening inner genius parent-child camp seminar"

Harvest given

● improve children's self-confidence and establish win-win awareness;

● train children's organization and coordination ability and shape their leadership style;

● cultivate children's gratitude, gratitude to parents, society and care for others;

● establish children's dreams, love the natural vitality and enhance children's learning motivation at the bottom of the subconscious;

● stimulate children's potential and explode strong internal drive.


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